Wednesday, December 31, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY today is my daddy bday then today going to the park there go count down haha then one more day dunno wat to sayle ma k la bb

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


halo school reopening 2 day ltr then fathernv give him anything =x then i wan to do a badge shop online then i next time then if wan u oso can tll m la but no meet up friends=x then cheap chepla but hven decide when to do the badge the blogla ic firt lor comesupport la when i do haha kla bb

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Girly Comments & Graphics

yesterday when to ehh expo celebrate christmas then when to orchird road then everybody all sort de keep stray i wan say to everybody i ate all tis thing so if spray me i give no mercy to dun where to go then father hven come back from overseas k lor bb

Monday, December 22, 2008

yoo HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIJUN haha ehh when to hj party today still ok ba then very nice hehe very nice I WWWWWWWAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTT HHHHSSSSSSSSSSMMMMMMMMMM too crazy i know at my age veryy ;ame but like is like de ma haha talk about sec school ba i wanna join handbell haha then bought book and clothes liao shoes sock oso the very fast sec one camp coming liao k la dunno wat to talk liao bb

Friday, December 19, 2008

ehh btw today went to the sec school haha then bought all thebook and shirt nicenice
hahai oso dunno wat to talk leh nth come to my mind liao hiazzzz k la if got then post=)
i justcome back from downstair then they celebrating X'mas then same children sing in the late afternoon maybe ur oso got? but nv see u =x haha so fun tml going out i think is go kbox ba if i not wrong haha

Thursday, December 18, 2008

halo i going to SHSS (st hildas) so happy haha then goeexpress couse then i got third language but i not sure i got anot lor cuz nv say?then tml nidto go to the sec sch the oso go get the cert haha dunno wat to say le la bb

Friday, December 12, 2008

The person who tag you is: HJ.
Your relationship with him is: FRIEND (:
Your five impression of her: ehh cute? chubby? ehh short?=x ehh like to talk? com expert?
The most memorable thing she has done for you: Nothing luh .
The most memorable thing she has said to you:OO
If she becomes your lover... comfirm no
If she becomes your lover, he has to improve on... WILL NOT BE MY LOVER LUH .
If she becomes your enemy.... ehh dunno
If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be... How i know luh .
The most desired thing you wanna do for her is: dunno
Your overall impression of her: A Girl?
The character I love of myself: A gd family
The character I hate most about myself: no sister
The most ideal person you wanna be with is: caring? kind?
For people who care and like you, say something to them: Thanks
Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish how they feel about you.
1.Hui Jun
4.Jia Mao
6.Xin Lin
8.Hui Ying
10.Xin Yi
Who is no.6 having a relationship with? someone in secret?
Is no.9 male or female? Female
If no.7 and no.10 are together... no way man age so far and then dun tell to each other
What is no.2 studying about? no idea
(:When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? very long ago?
What type of music band no.8 likes? no idea wor
Does no.1 have any siblings? 1 Sister and 1 brother
Will you woo no.3? NOOO i not les
What about no.7? HE my Tang Ge ....
Is no.4 single? ya
What's the surname of no.5? Tan
What's the hobby of no.10?Not Sure .
Does no.5 and no.9 get along well? Still OK ba or maybe not
(:Where's no.2 studying at? SHPS
.Talk casually about no.1: like to talk alot
Where's no.9 staying at? Tampinese
What color does no.4 likes? Maybe Dark colour.
Are no.5 and no.1 bestie? ehh not so
Do no.1 keep pets? ya
Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?eeeee no way man
Tell u about the story i went to genting and malacca and then hor plz lor at least can go overseas rite does not mean that 2 day onli cannot play anything i thing onli u can hv fun ba i feel good atleast can go ehhh went to genting cannot play outside cuz i still two little cousin wif me so must take care then we sit the monotrial is the caterpillars de la then take foto there when we reach outside then take some foto then the cloud so beautiful lor then went to watch Liza Wong concert then nth to do then feel like slping then next day went to eat breakfast then went to arcade and play wif my the cousin then we drive to ampang somewhr in malaysia to eat very nice=p then went all the way to malacca go findmy other cousin then we hv a wonderful day at the hotel cousin were playing like helll then when to soak our legg we accidently turn the wrong then the water splash out then everybody was wet then my mother so wat lor we ask permission from a adult leh then like everything blame on me *** la then went out of the hotl go see the hotel e swimming pool then that time raining then still got ppl playing in the swimming pool then went out of the hotel lthen went to night market then bought some thing for sab and hj but dunno wat to buy then just buy then went back hotel then slp then next day went to ehh eat? chicken then shop at the little shop then buy some toys=x then wont be bored haha then we went back to singapore then went we reach the malaysia got like jam then some singaporean complain complain so petty lor then evrytime singapore custom jam dun cu complain pls lor malaysian oso nv like that ok **** u la then reach home le kk dunno wat to say le bb

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry X,mas to everybody althought hven reach but just say first la =) here are some pic down there i u hv to start from the bottom cuz i put the opposite way if dun understand then forget it just look at it =)
Girly Comments & Graphics

Snow spray but spray at mirror de
take by my cousin he 5 year old le haha put for fun

my uncle lol i take it secertly

x'mas tree

at genting

Friday, December 5, 2008

ya huuuuuu tml going to genting but early in the morning then 4++ nid wake up cuz ltr got jam thenhv to wait very long ar but not the first time waiting uo so early haha then everytime going i will like cannot slp maybe too excited lorr but i bring camera i will show u the foto i take at genting and melaka haha then hj t oday went to disneyland then i tell my father then i say i want to go then he say next go lor yeaa very happy haha then i think terryin going to korea this sunday haha last yr went before so nice i want to skii again k la and this werek so many ppl flying to overseas haha bb

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

sry i think the lyric is abit fast sry about thatcuz dunno how do so sry about it
i watch chihuahua few day is actually i watch before i watch madagascar cuz forget so nice lor and the chihuahua so cute and somemore on diamond necklace on the neck there haha nth happened dis few day ba oh ya my who ever when to malaysia then give me a keychain branded de i dun believe is branded delor she wan to safe money de lor i bet i fake one lorthen give de hor she say out as the house key and as a keychain most likely is fake de lor ........ k la dunnowat to talk liao bb

Sunday, November 30, 2008

yes next week going to genting and melaka(malacca) then is like so many ppl going holiday next week lor wa lao the stupid tuition start next week so bad lor hate tuitiona few day ago when go watch madagascar(i dunno how spell) so nice i wann x'mas present high school musical de i know very lame... but 喜欢就是喜欢 no big deal la wanna go ice skating dunno wat to say le la bb

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

halo a few nv post yea cut my hair is alittle bit like sab last time de hair style and i want to say my feeling so no offence ... i feel staying at home is gd lor i so adnormal cuz everybody want to go bbut if i accept i will feel that like i regret for accept but i wonder y there wan to go out but class outing alot ppl i like then would like regret like that la then yesterday got celebrate x'mas wif my tuition friends is so fun then we watch The sound of the music so nice i bet not all willl not appreciate lazy type liao bb

Thursday, November 20, 2008

parent sooooooooo

at first gd mode de lor in school ehh i get 191 1A1B2C then my parent so no ewncouragement i think it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo idoitic now nobody will care about cuz cousin got 242 so?(no offened) i want a reward cuz got b in my math i cannot get it lor last time but now can i want a praise adult is soooooooooo ............................. hate adult(althought there are gd for us)(no offence)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

8 day nv post le haha nvm i tell u all my story 11/11/08i think nth happened ba if got i will edit hehe on 12/11/08 i think nth happened too but if got i will edit 13/11/08 thursday then when school going end that time soneppl say want to go Mr Lim house lol but i want to see how his house look like lor 14/11/08 got prize giving day and closing ceremony so boring de lor but luckily half day oni 15/10/08 saturda y when to my cousin for her bday celebration haha then 16/10/08 haoahao was at my house he over night at my house on the 15/11 i like him haha he like my bro like that but he is my cousin on17/11/08 monday went to lan wif sab and hj play audi u dun wan play audi just say la ur can play but i cannot ma u oso can give ur ownsuggestion is urall willing oni hor not i forced u wan ****** !!! T*** ***e** peeee ahhhh and today is my cousin bday Happy Bday Xin Lin :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

halo i went to malaysia haha went genting and melaka(malacca) so fun then on december going again yeaaa but the next trip my cousin is going wif me tooo haha dunno wat to talk leh bb

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

halo on 30/10-31/10 got conversational malay so boring but still wan to learn haha tml got baking lesson i wonder how it would be lor i how is funhaha cousin bday coming haha and on7/11 we nid to perform a skii is according to the malay camp deahh so scracy haha nth to say le bb

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

halo 6 day nv post le haha let me start from 24/10/08it was YN bday party then she so like so .... haha but having a nice time at her bday party. on 25/10/08 i actually celebrate my bday haha sry friend cuz i dunlike friend to come on my bday party time haha on 26/10/080 when to J8 junction8 ehh then went play arcade wif hong jun and my father and mother haha so fun. on 27/10/08 id was deepaavali went out wif tang ge and "jie" when to pasir ris take neoprint haha and play arcade it was so fun lor then when eat new york at downtown east the e!hub there so nice then sit on ferris wheel so nice then i was like so giddy on top arr haha i like it .on28/10/08 got the gy talk yes!! last lesson then got the so call survey lor it the same as p5 that time then today gto math trail quite interest but some ppl dun like wo i wan scold them nowwwww u trhink u wat then u so pro u be leader huh everything oso cannot so wat u thing u older then me then wat meh pls respect ur self be4 ppl respect u so wat i wif terryin huh kns dun like ur prob la knssowat if u top 10 too bad la u dun like ur prob lor ******* and ****** u dun think of controllong my life get ur busniess away from me u hv no rite th controlled my life u controll ur own life first ba knskns haiz... tml terryin go vietnam le must buy bday present for me haha jkjk u want buy sovenier oso can miss ya

Thursday, October 23, 2008


rite now extacly now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so transparent lor huh then i like just nth to u fine! im extacly fine perfectly fine u thing i phone operater huh!! u pay me la asif i got more phone call then u today i one phone call oso dun hv onli last time lor u today dunno how much phone u call u pay phone call isit? orh ic isitu very rich rite??who can understand my feeling now i feel very terrible now arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
halo today play stress wif azly then the boy come help azly and girl help then we make so much noise almost cannot play but luckily nv take away lor then tml yn bday party:) hope hv a happy bday .hope yn tml hv a happy time ehh happy bday to mr vai too i heard from pris she say ur bday so happy bday to u kk nth to say le la and yaaa i forget today got GY talk lke sexual lor then they say must diffrence the word molest and accidently lor so ......... haha byebye

Sunday, October 19, 2008

halo eating corn now from the frigde not cookde dun worry is fined de haha soooooo bored still looking forward to my bday and yeening de bday party i wonder wat will happen lor hope is wonderful?? and my too?

Saturday, October 18, 2008


halo today i make sushi wifmy mother haha so nice and is fun lor sry very long nv post??? ehhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bday coming yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love it got present :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) haha kk bb nth to talk liao

Friday, October 10, 2008

halo now in school com lab. wif my class mate lor haha so fun luckily mr vai nv see i blogging haha bb

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halo post again ehh this is my choir de photo finally can uploadliao this is SYF that time which is April haha but now october liao yeaa birthday is coming is wat imlooking forward to :)
yeaPSLE over liao so happy tml dun nidgo to school cuz still got HMT for the other pupil who is taking hahagoing mad soon???? noidea oso haha kk duynno wat to say le bb

Monday, October 6, 2008

JY to all p6 6/4 we must not be discourage by the "nerds" we must prove to them that we are not onli gd in sport but in stuides jy 6/4 and all the p6 :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

halo changged my blog skin hahaha kawaii tml is children's day and hari raya HAPPY CHILDREN DAY!!!!!! and SELAMAT HARI RAYA to the malay pupil and to malaysia :) haha wanted to put some choir picture in but using laptop then cannot and use another computer then very laggy haha today mr vai give us a CD-Rom for our children's day thx mr vai hehe this coming friday is PSLE liao so scary lor jia you all p6 student gd luck wif ur PSLE show them we can do it 6/4 including other pupil:) bb

Monday, September 29, 2008

Children's Day

this is my last year of being a children:( onli got youth day haha tml celebrating children day still nid to study so bad lorz then wed hari raya and children day oso the Friday is doom day is PSLE day first paper english ahhhhhhhhh!!! am i under stress? i heard that u will get angry easily isit real??? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Idoitic thing i ever do!!!!!!!!!!!

u and u u thing u got my permission ar huh u at list ask me rite i not in class purposingly take huh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!at list i ask for ur permission for ur correction leh at u downn there dun think u bigger than me or i will get sngry easliy ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u will get it from me u and uuuuuuuuu no sense of privacy leh ahh my fileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee leeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idt and u ar u dun enjoy music just say la arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr then aslist be kind rite my hard in being shab by so many time u just dun understand my feeeeellllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Halo a few week or day nv update PSLE is coming must studying hard i u can get wat u wan i got a phrase to say 先苦后甜 JIA YOU all the p6 this pic is me when i young cute? but whoever say likemy niece ;) bb nth to say le

Thursday, September 11, 2008

sry i just want to vent my anger i really cant take it anymore plz understand if u r put into my shoes
i wan to vent my anger now wa lao ar huh u think u wat huh take that i nv go tuition then come home late happy rite i kanna scolded nid to take care of ning ning and u ar thing u wat ar huh u not my mother u hv no rite to say my com huh atlist my mother nv say anything la huh u though wat u very smart ar huh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur alllllllllllllllll are toooooooooooooooooooooo muuuuuuuucxhhhhhh immmmmmmmmm gggggooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg ttttttttoooooooooooooooo bbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssstttttttttttttt my head offf u better watch out idoitic ppl
P.S. i mean not everybody

Monday, September 1, 2008


=) iwent to see Wall-E on the friday it is very nice although they is no talking but aliitle it still make us laugh.We the human was in a spaceship and they send robot to fing plant in the earth and mission succes it was wonderful but the robot sy no as our earth is full ofrubbish so the captain set the robot as notauto then they went back to earth want no more go watch!!! hehe bb

Friday, August 29, 2008

halo i created de from using something hehe today in school we celebrate teacher day lol this year de like so bored lor nth to do de yeah!!! holiday coming but nd to go back to school =(
i want to say tosomebody samantha did u come back to ur primary school?SHPS!! i miss u leh very longnv talk to u le hehe hopas janice knows my blog and ans me back if u can =) bb

Thursday, August 28, 2008

halo halo today got chi sup so bad sia but PSLE is coming then have to bear with it i wish can go express and u must have faith in us all the parent including teacher if u say we are no use nd cant go express if u keep on think of that and it really happened and the pupil will have not enough confident s teacherand parent plz be nice and let us go t good school and coplete ur wish ur first to do is have confident in us cant say that we are no use it i very no use to us ifu wan us to hv a gd futher u must have confident ini know i very naggy but but hvconfident in us is the first thing to do.JIA YOU FOR ALL PUPIL TAKE PSLE INCLUDING ALL THE PUPIL!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

teacher's day coming

halohalo post again hehe erm teacherday is coming then today after school our class have to sign on smth a paper then give to my form teacherMr Lim lor i dunno wat will be hs expression i am so excited to no hha so i think is the give to teache dis year ba hope they klike it=) bb

prelims score and now

halo i cant believe drinking macha(coffe) but i drin k and drink it taste so nice heh ltr get addited to coffe lol haha got back all my prelim scor le wa lao i hate it man my chinese and science ososdeprove where got such thing then math iprove osos i think english osos walao i hate itman must work harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would not lose so easily u get get it back from me muhahahhahahaha haha dunno wat to say le la bb

Sunday, August 24, 2008


halo i went to watch a movies called spacechimps haha i tink everybody know this movies or maybe not it say the chimp when to the other planet and they find a new planet and something happened want to no more go watch the show hehe i went to watch with my cousin they dun understand wat are they talking about haha they look very bored watching it lor i think k la i find quite new lor in my opinon but i dunno other people wat they think of it haha bb

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Your Japanese Name Is...

Momoko Oimikado

Monday, August 18, 2008

halo last week thursdayand friday is psle oral exam i feel so nervous then today is prelim english then tml is math follwed by chinese then science i hope i can have a good result for my psle lor then my biao yi bought hello kitty keyboard and the mouse then she ask me to use then use lori dun care la the keyboard can use then can use lor k? dun anyhow imaging haha hope all the p6 can pass their exam wih flying colour!! including myself=) bb

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


halo this song is call wonderful tonight it is oso a piano piece i put as it is my piano exam piece i hope everybody will like it=) byebye
hola ,halo eating dinner to some of u maybe to early bah . tml got PSLE oral then is for chinesethen must rach skool by 9.15 i dun feel like going lor so nervous say but i dunno if i nervous is like no feeling like that lor doing homework then got breifing for the oral exam like that lor then bb la dunnowat to say le

Monday, August 11, 2008

halo i want to say something...on the national day i so unlucky when the show start my computer can go internet i mean can but it cannot show the website i get so fustrated then sms my tang ge then he put the malaysia sim card i dunno the i keep sms him if i can use his laptop haha then so long nv talk le today got tuition i get 69/100 for my math prelium partice paper i wish i can gete more then 70 or even 75 then got A i usually dun pass my math but i am very surprise about my score ten Mr Vai own me a std eal treat for Mcdonald today got prelium listening i hope i do very good then the Lin Hui Zhi got running nose then on thursday and friday got PSLE oral i feel a little scary as the teacher u dun know who ar they i wis i can get 45/50 for my chinse oral and 25/30 for my english oral .i got somethingto say to u i hope u know who are u cuz i dun dare to say ur name if i bet u pls dun get angry with me as it is not wat i wan so think we hould work hard ad we dun compare my score and u get angry i really hard that alot i hope u will understand my feeling pls understand it or i will feel tat i am doing it purposely but i am not it is heaven's will i hope will under stand=) i think that the end i have nothing to say le bybye

Friday, July 25, 2008

hihihi today aftfer school then got sup then some of my classmate and MrVai went to the Mc then we eat lor after we eat finish we go see the boys eat finih already anot than the Azly still hv one large or medium friesleft lehi wonder how he eat finish then come home lethen i saw my father fish oneof the guppy going to give birth le then separate the guppy from the other so poor thing she want to come out but the baby hven born yet i cant wait to see the baby dunno wat to say le bb

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bowling and more

hhihi yesterday when my mother went out suddenly got one ppl unknown de call my hp number lor then hor she say"can speaking chinese?" then i realised that she from chine then afther that i say "ya"then she say "你可以说华文吗?" then i say "ya" then she ask me "我可问你一个问题吗?"then i say “可以不要回答吗?"then she put down the fone lol then when bowling at Safra then play 3 game so fun then sabrina strike hehe today got Founder's day then going back to school soon then performinh then is the last item again ar my last performance ....... byebye

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Fighting Fish

Yesterday night i want to see how the fighting fish get ready to fight so i put out one of the opuaqe card then left the transparnet one while i recording suddenly a gupp jump inisde then everybody started screaming luckily the guppy quickly come out the we was like laughing all the while haha then tell father heh we do it cuz father not at home than tell le he look kinda intrestedd haha dont wat to say le bb

Friday, July 4, 2008

halo everybody youth day is on 7/7/08 hahaha so good than dun nid go school dun nid wake up early hahaha today got sub class then when to sci lab godo expirement lor so fun =) then play the thing then me and sabrina throw thing at azly hair then the thing can bounce one leh then very keep trying haha i wonder if the k1 k2 gt go school on youth day let me show u my class fun shot hope u like lor know for 2 year le lor onli 3 ppl joined our class

hope u like it

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

hi long time no post blog le yesterday the clay man hor(Mr Benjamin (i think))say we ae ridicurious leh then u must write an apologise letter lor wat kind of 态度is this lor then he say nv get sorr letter the dun give usback our clay rat leh i tell u ar dun get then dun get lor wat态度is this nvm and prelim paper is around the coner oraal prelim at 31/7/08 few more week ar!!! the two week ltr on friday got 74th founder's day leh then nid to perform ar dun want but every year oso got hehe haha no idea wat to talk le will post next time bb :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

hehehe wat a f unny day today i went out wif my aunt then saw sabrina then went wif sabrina then aunt when shopping her own meet at mac the 5.30 then off we go when to the arcade play the football match again then heard azly call sabrina then i was like who is that? then saw azly alvin haziq and fila leh wah so like so many lor but not -_-"'then oso saw maybelle then ask me play wif her then in the end her mother sabrina oso join in and play but maybelle and her mother win=( then go out saw kenneth ma then nv see us lor then when board the bus say mahes he like watever lor dun wan talk about him le la bb

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

halo everybody long time nv post on blog le but now posting lor lol yah holiday here le but onli one week leh so bad but next week friday is Good Friday then holiday again.iwonder why next the new year is on the january lor is like so fast then something next year sec 1 le leaving the primany school soon then finally nv learn ballet le yahoo dunno wat to say le bb

Saturday, February 2, 2008

halo everybody going back to malaysia in a few day time on tuesday after school? so no nid go school on wed nice but this year got PSLE cannot play too much the go GENTING the first day to sleep there and play arcade dey how win nice and cute cute soft toys or other thing lor then got fathr side the house then go mother side parent de house lorbb

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

tell u a story today during school friend name cannot be said so x=my friend

today in school having fun wif x and other friend but when school is going over x seen to be very angry wif me i wonder y? did i do wrong? or wat i did wrong? anybody can tell me?she seem to be avoiding away from me and my mother oso i feel that i am inherit to my mother my mother seem to not to hv friend but not no hv friend then i feel the it is happening to me oso wat and the friend i make is lke for awhile then forget about me or then dun want me ?im very sad dunno wad to do and i dun want to learn ballet it so not nice y i hv to go i wish i onli hv one outside activity but dis ya havePSLE then one whole week oso got thing even sunday my life is so terrible monday got mr lim supplementry classs tuesday the worst got choir then got tuition until 9.30 wednesday got choir again then thusday got chinese supplementry class then swimming the friend got mr vai supplementry class saturday got tuition and ballet then sunday got tuition again i hope i dun have so much thing to do every single day my this year got PSLE i no but i wish to stop learning ballet but i just cannot say it to mymother scared she will scold me haizzzzzzzz i want to have a peaceful life and wish can forget all bad thing but i just cant forget about it haizzz nvm

Monday, January 21, 2008

halo everybody long time no post i take my new glasses on sunday i like so much but i seldom see ppl wear lor i wonder is it nice anot lor nvm bb

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